Friday, March 25, 2011

Stocks: Research five new stocks, Due Wednesday April 13

The Stock Market
Researching Individual Stocks: Track five stocks
50 points

  1. What is the name of your stock?
  2. What is the ticker or symbol for that particular stock?  Example Yahoo = YHOO
  3. What products or services does that company provide?
  4. What price is your stock currently trading at?
  5. What is the 52 week high and low of your stock?
  6. How much did this stock rise or fall since yesterday?
  7. What type of new products, services or ideas does the company have?  Example, possible release of a new 1000 GB ipod.
  8. In the past five years, what was the stocks highest and lowest trading price? (Chart)
  9. Does your stock offer dividends? If so, how much?
  10. Write down any headline news or blogs that may affect the stock price?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Psychology: Horoscope 100 points

Track your horoscope for seven days. Do the following;

a) name the source (yahoo, LA Times, Washington Post, etc.)
b) write the horoscope description
c) did it come true? How?
d) write a summary characteriziing your sign. example below

Sample summary

Sagittarius, otherwise known as the archer is known to be an enthusiastic person. Sagittarius have birthdays that fall between the days of November 22 and December 21. My birthday, December 6th falls right in the middle of these dates. Although my daily horoscopes fail to be true day after day I have found that the description of a Sagittarius suits me quite well. According to Man, Myth and Magic I am a person who believes that money and luck will always flow in my direction. If you were to ask either of my parents they would tell you that this is a true statement about me. I am a hard worker but then at the same rate as the book says I am always looking for amusement in everything that I do. It is hard for me to show physical affection towards others yet it is easy for me to help out others with my time and money if I am able to do so. According to Man, Myth, and Magic Sagittarius are generally gamblers and travelers. I myself hate gambling and breaking the rules in fear of what will happen. But I do love traveling and spur of the moment plans. Astrology is a harder science to declare as pseudo-psychology because of the truths I often find in it but it is hard to understand how the stars control my fate. I like to believe that it is another source that control my fate. So in my eyes I see it as a pseudo.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Researching a major corporation

Write in Essay Form
50 Points

Researching a major Corporation

  1. What is the name of your Corporation?
  2. When was it founded/established?
  3. Who found/co-founded the corporation?
  4. What are his/her/their major accomplishments? (Charitable work, Time person of the year, books)
  5. What is the net worth of the company or the person who founded the company?
  6. What is their educational background? High School, College, Masters, etc.
  7. What product or service does the company provide?
  8. How many employees does the company employ? How many countries?
  9. How much is their stock (one share) worth in the NYSE or NASDAQ?
  10. Do they offer dividends? If so, how much?
  11. How many franchises does the company have (if any)?
  12. How much does this corporation profit in a year? Most recent 2010, 2009, etc.
  13. Would you invest in this company? Why? Give three reasons with excellent support.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Research individual stocks: due Wednesday, March 23.

The Stock Market
Researching Individual Stocks: Track ten stocks
200 points

  1. What is the name of your stock?
  2. What is the ticker or symbol for that particular stock?  Example Yahoo = YHOO
  3. What products or services does that company provide?
  4. What price is your stock currently trading at?
  5. What is the 52 week high and low of your stock?
  6. How much did this stock rise or fall since yesterday?
  7. What type of new products, services or ideas does the company have?  Example, possible release of a new 1000 GB ipod.
  8. In the past five years, what was the stocks highest and lowest trading price? (Chart)
  9. Does your stock offer dividends? If so, how much?
  10. Write down any headline news or blogs that may affect the stock price?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Psychology: Test and Follow-Up Questions on March 7

Test: Aging and Adulthood
Go over notes discussed in class. Multiple Choice, matching and short answer.

Follow-up questions
Questions 1-7, 30 points