Monday, May 2, 2011

Economics: Financial Portfolio, Due Friday, May 13

Does Not Meet
Cover and Binding
Contains appropriate title and images with your name. Creative; colorful; neatly bound; personalized
Contains appropriate title and images with your name. Neatly bound; personalized.
Contains an appropriate title with your name. Generic. Bound
No cover or title. No binding.
  1. Views on money and financial future prior to this assignment
  2. What you learned doing this assignment
  3. Value of money to you, good and bad
  4. Feelings regarding learning all this information (will you save more, cook more, buy cheaper products, etc.)

Thoroughly and clearly articulates all four prompts.

Clearly addresses all four prompts.

Answers all four prompts.

Minimal response to prompts, missing an introduction
Table of Contents
Well-formatted; neat, organized, numbered correctly
Organized, numbered correctly.
Organized, numbered with one or two errors.
No table of contents
Budget Narrative
Job/salary, home, food, transportation, fashion, debt, personal care, Insurance, entertainment, investment/savings, other expenses
Narrative thoroughly addresses and explains each major and minor budget categories in well-written paragraphs
Narrative addresses and explains each major budget category.
Narrative addresses each major budget category.
Missing, incomplete or incoherent explanations
Contains graded preliminary and complete revised budgets; budget balances; accurate; realistic
Contains graded preliminary and complete revised budgets; budget balances; accurate; realistic; 1-2 errors.
Contains preliminary and revised budget. Not graded and has multiple errors.
Budget is incomplete or full of errors and inaccuracies
Evidence (ads and printouts)
-          Job
-          Home/Rental
-          Transportation
-          Bus Pass
-          Cell phone
-          Insurance (auto and home)
-          Auto or loan info.
-          Investments
-          Grocery receipts
-          Cable/Internet

Attaches detailed evidence for all budget categories to the left.
Neatly attaches evidence for all budget categories to the left
Attaches sufficient evidence for most budget categories to the left; may contain gaps in information
 No evidence attached

Career Path description

List and explain all the requirements (education, internship, professional hours, professional certificates, training, etc.), to achieve the salary of your profession. Write in essay format.

Career path description is thorough and detailed.

Career path description is clear.

Includes a career path description.

Does not include a career description
Stock Market Simulation

-          What did you learn during the Stock Simulation?
-          Will you invest in the future? Why? Why not? (if not, what do you think you would invest in? Bonds, Cd’s, mutual funds?
Graded copy of individual portfolio with a thorough and detailed explanation of Stock Market rationale.
Graded copy of individual portfolio with a clear explanation of Stock Market rationale.
Graded copy of individual portfolio with reflection.
Does not include a stock reflection or individual portfolio worksheet

Format and Grammar

Typed, proofread for errors
Typed, some errors
Typed, many errors
Handwritten; excessive errors

Grade: __________    (Total: 500 points)

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