Monday, May 2, 2011

Economics: Financial Portfolio, Due Friday, May 13

Does Not Meet
Cover and Binding
Contains appropriate title and images with your name. Creative; colorful; neatly bound; personalized
Contains appropriate title and images with your name. Neatly bound; personalized.
Contains an appropriate title with your name. Generic. Bound
No cover or title. No binding.
  1. Views on money and financial future prior to this assignment
  2. What you learned doing this assignment
  3. Value of money to you, good and bad
  4. Feelings regarding learning all this information (will you save more, cook more, buy cheaper products, etc.)

Thoroughly and clearly articulates all four prompts.

Clearly addresses all four prompts.

Answers all four prompts.

Minimal response to prompts, missing an introduction
Table of Contents
Well-formatted; neat, organized, numbered correctly
Organized, numbered correctly.
Organized, numbered with one or two errors.
No table of contents
Budget Narrative
Job/salary, home, food, transportation, fashion, debt, personal care, Insurance, entertainment, investment/savings, other expenses
Narrative thoroughly addresses and explains each major and minor budget categories in well-written paragraphs
Narrative addresses and explains each major budget category.
Narrative addresses each major budget category.
Missing, incomplete or incoherent explanations
Contains graded preliminary and complete revised budgets; budget balances; accurate; realistic
Contains graded preliminary and complete revised budgets; budget balances; accurate; realistic; 1-2 errors.
Contains preliminary and revised budget. Not graded and has multiple errors.
Budget is incomplete or full of errors and inaccuracies
Evidence (ads and printouts)
-          Job
-          Home/Rental
-          Transportation
-          Bus Pass
-          Cell phone
-          Insurance (auto and home)
-          Auto or loan info.
-          Investments
-          Grocery receipts
-          Cable/Internet

Attaches detailed evidence for all budget categories to the left.
Neatly attaches evidence for all budget categories to the left
Attaches sufficient evidence for most budget categories to the left; may contain gaps in information
 No evidence attached

Career Path description

List and explain all the requirements (education, internship, professional hours, professional certificates, training, etc.), to achieve the salary of your profession. Write in essay format.

Career path description is thorough and detailed.

Career path description is clear.

Includes a career path description.

Does not include a career description
Stock Market Simulation

-          What did you learn during the Stock Simulation?
-          Will you invest in the future? Why? Why not? (if not, what do you think you would invest in? Bonds, Cd’s, mutual funds?
Graded copy of individual portfolio with a thorough and detailed explanation of Stock Market rationale.
Graded copy of individual portfolio with a clear explanation of Stock Market rationale.
Graded copy of individual portfolio with reflection.
Does not include a stock reflection or individual portfolio worksheet

Format and Grammar

Typed, proofread for errors
Typed, some errors
Typed, many errors
Handwritten; excessive errors

Grade: __________    (Total: 500 points)

Psychology: Final Test-- Thursday, May 12

Final Exam Study Guide
50 Questions
Multiple Choice
True/ False

Intro to Psychology

Biopsychology approach
Behavioral approach
Humanistic approach
Cognitive approach
Sociocultural approach

Principles of Learning

Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Primary reinforcement
Secondary reinforcement
Discrimination learning
Conditioned stimulus
Conditioned response
Unconditioned stimulus
Unconditioned response
Variable ratio schedule
Fixed ratio schedule
Variable interval schedule
Social learning
Observational learning
Latent learning
Reinforcement value

Infancy and Childhood

Sensorimotor stage
Preoperational stage
Concrete operations stage
Concrete operations stage
Formal operations stage
Kohlberg theory (MD)
Preconventional level
Conventional level
Postconventional level
Object permanence
Permissive parenting
Authoritarian parenting
Separation anxiety

Motivation and Emotion

Reticular formation
Curiosity motive
Manipulation motive
Intrinsic motivation
Abraham Maslow
(Hierarchy of Needs)
Opponent process theory
 Emotional intelligence


Bulimia nervosa
Anorexia nervosa
Rite of passage
Group identity
Empty-nest period
Senile dementia
Alzheimer’s disease
E. Kubler-Ross-stages of dying 

Psychology: Final Project-- Due May 10, Tuesday

Seven Assignment Review Packet
350 Points

            Introduction to Psychology
  1. Write down 20 questions you have about psychology. Now try and answer them using what you learned in class. If you can’t find the answer, use one of the class set psychology books. Examples, why are my parents becoming grouchy lately? Why am I hungrier in the winter? Does hypnosis really work?

Approaches to Psychology
  1. Write a dialogue between two psychologists who disagree on the nature of humans. One psychologist could be a proponent of the cognitive approach, for example. The other might believe more in the behaviorist approach. Try to make the dialogue as realistic as possible. The two could argue, let’s say about why gambling seems to be on the rise or why students drop out of school.

Brain, Body and Behavior
  1. Several advertisers explicitly use the theory of left and right hemisphere dominance to promote their products. For example, they openly claim that their products appeal to the left hemisphere and then supply statistics. At the same time, they claim that their products appeal to the right hemisphere and then supply vivid, emotional pictures.
Other than obvious examples, do advertisers direct their sales pitches to one hemisphere or another? To find out, collect 5 magazine ads that appeal primarily to the left hemisphere, 5 that appeal to the right hemisphere, and 5 that appeal to both hemispheres. Tape or paste each ad onto a sheet of paper, and provide captions explaining why you chose these ads.

            Motivation and Emotion
  1. Make a list of everything that you ate yesterday. Next to each food item, write “I “if the item was eaten primarily because of internal cues (for example, you were hungry), or write “E” if the item was eaten primarily because of external cues (it was time to eat, everyone else was eating, the food was there, and so on). For some items both I and E may apply. In this case, pick the cue that seemed dominant or stronger at the time.
Analyze your list. Is there a pattern? Do you eat for different reasons at different times of the day, for instance? Which cues seem to play a greater role in your eating habits? Explain.

            Infancy and Childhood
  1. This activity will help you examine how much your personality is influenced by your heredity and how much by your environment. Make a list of 10 characteristics that you have in common with your parents/guardians. The characteristics can be physical, mental, and behavioral-- just about any similarity that you can think of. After each item, write down whether the characteristic, in your opinion, is influenced mainly through heredity or mainly through environment.
Next, have one of your parent/guardian make the same list following the same instructions, but don’t let him or her see your list
Compare the two lists. Were the characteristics listed pretty much the same? Were your conclusions about heredity and environment about the same? What general conclusions can you draw from this? For example, which kinds of characteristics (physical, mental, behavioral, and so forth) seemed to be most influenced by heredity? Least influenced by heredity? Explain.

  1. This activity will give your parents/guardians to reminisce about their own adolescence. Have your parents/guardians think back on their adolescent years and have them make a list of things that an adolescent needed to do in order to be “cool” (or what it meant to be “uncool”). Ask them to include at least 10 items. Without looking at their list, write your own list of things an adolescent needs to do today in order to be “cool.”
Compare and contrast the two lists. What are some similarities and differences? Based on the lists, would you say that the period called adolescence has changed much in the past 20 or 30 years? Explain. Finally, show the two lists to your parents/guardians and discuss their reactions to the lists.

            Gender Differences
  1. It seems that everyone has some opinion on gender differences. Men are better drivers. Women have a more sophisticated sense of humor. Write a journal entry essay (one to one-half pages) in which you discuss some of your own opinions about gender differences. Some areas you may want to address: sports, work, school, emotions, romance.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Psychology: Test- Personality

When: Tuesday, April 26th.

Study Guide
Unit: Personality

1. Personality
2. Psychoanalytic theory
3. Sigmund Freud
4. Unconscious
5. Free association
6. Repression
7. Libido
8. Id
9. Ego
10. Superego
11. Five stages of personality
                a. oral
                b. anal
                c. phallic
                d. latency
                e. genital
12. coping
13. Fixation
14. Carl Jung
15. Archetypes
16. Collective conscious
17. Persona
18. Neo-Freudians
19. Karen Horney
20. Alfred Adler
21. Erik Erikson
22. Behaviorism
23. John B. Watson
24. Reinforcements
25. Albert Bandura
26. Modeling
27. Humanism
28. Ideal self
29. Fully functioning individual
30. Personality traits
31. Cardinal traits
32. Central traits
33. Secondary traits
34. Raymond Cattell
35. Surface traits
36. Source traits
37. Hans Eysenck
38. Extraversion
39. Emotional stability
40. Permanent traits-five factor model

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

TEST: Business Forms/Savings and Investing

When: Wednesday, April 27th

Economics: Business Firms/Savings and Investing
Study Guide

  1. proprietorship
  2. partnership
  3. corporation
  4. partnership agreement
  5. graphs
  6. articles of incorporation
  7. charter
  8. stocks
  9. dividends
  10. savings
  11. interest
  12. savings account
  13. money market deposit account (MMDA)
  14. time deposits maturity
  15. certificates of deposit (CDs)
  16. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
  17. stockholders
  18. capital gain
  19. capital loss
  20. tax-exempt bonds
  21. commercial banks
  22. savings and loan
  23. credit-union
  24. savings bonds
  25. treasury bills
  26. treasury notes
  27. treasury bonds
  28. broker
  29. over the counter market
  30. mutual fund
  31. Dow Jones
  32. money market fund
  33. pension
  34. Keough Plan
  35. Tax-deferred
  36. individual IRA
  37. Roth IRA
  38. diversification

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Psychology: Erik Erikson's Eight Stages of Personality

Erikson’s Stages of Development
Visual Illustration
100 Points
Due: Monday, April 18th.


Find pictures or draw images that correspond to each of Erikson’s eight stages. You should provide two pictures for each stage, one picture showing someone successfully dealing with the stage, the other showing an unsuccessful response.

Make sure to label each picture with the stage (similar to your handout). Or provide captions for the pictures.

For each stage, write a brief description when you experienced this stage.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Stocks: Research five new stocks, Due Wednesday April 13

The Stock Market
Researching Individual Stocks: Track five stocks
50 points

  1. What is the name of your stock?
  2. What is the ticker or symbol for that particular stock?  Example Yahoo = YHOO
  3. What products or services does that company provide?
  4. What price is your stock currently trading at?
  5. What is the 52 week high and low of your stock?
  6. How much did this stock rise or fall since yesterday?
  7. What type of new products, services or ideas does the company have?  Example, possible release of a new 1000 GB ipod.
  8. In the past five years, what was the stocks highest and lowest trading price? (Chart)
  9. Does your stock offer dividends? If so, how much?
  10. Write down any headline news or blogs that may affect the stock price?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Psychology: Horoscope 100 points

Track your horoscope for seven days. Do the following;

a) name the source (yahoo, LA Times, Washington Post, etc.)
b) write the horoscope description
c) did it come true? How?
d) write a summary characteriziing your sign. example below

Sample summary

Sagittarius, otherwise known as the archer is known to be an enthusiastic person. Sagittarius have birthdays that fall between the days of November 22 and December 21. My birthday, December 6th falls right in the middle of these dates. Although my daily horoscopes fail to be true day after day I have found that the description of a Sagittarius suits me quite well. According to Man, Myth and Magic I am a person who believes that money and luck will always flow in my direction. If you were to ask either of my parents they would tell you that this is a true statement about me. I am a hard worker but then at the same rate as the book says I am always looking for amusement in everything that I do. It is hard for me to show physical affection towards others yet it is easy for me to help out others with my time and money if I am able to do so. According to Man, Myth, and Magic Sagittarius are generally gamblers and travelers. I myself hate gambling and breaking the rules in fear of what will happen. But I do love traveling and spur of the moment plans. Astrology is a harder science to declare as pseudo-psychology because of the truths I often find in it but it is hard to understand how the stars control my fate. I like to believe that it is another source that control my fate. So in my eyes I see it as a pseudo.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Researching a major corporation

Write in Essay Form
50 Points

Researching a major Corporation

  1. What is the name of your Corporation?
  2. When was it founded/established?
  3. Who found/co-founded the corporation?
  4. What are his/her/their major accomplishments? (Charitable work, Time person of the year, books)
  5. What is the net worth of the company or the person who founded the company?
  6. What is their educational background? High School, College, Masters, etc.
  7. What product or service does the company provide?
  8. How many employees does the company employ? How many countries?
  9. How much is their stock (one share) worth in the NYSE or NASDAQ?
  10. Do they offer dividends? If so, how much?
  11. How many franchises does the company have (if any)?
  12. How much does this corporation profit in a year? Most recent 2010, 2009, etc.
  13. Would you invest in this company? Why? Give three reasons with excellent support.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Research individual stocks: due Wednesday, March 23.

The Stock Market
Researching Individual Stocks: Track ten stocks
200 points

  1. What is the name of your stock?
  2. What is the ticker or symbol for that particular stock?  Example Yahoo = YHOO
  3. What products or services does that company provide?
  4. What price is your stock currently trading at?
  5. What is the 52 week high and low of your stock?
  6. How much did this stock rise or fall since yesterday?
  7. What type of new products, services or ideas does the company have?  Example, possible release of a new 1000 GB ipod.
  8. In the past five years, what was the stocks highest and lowest trading price? (Chart)
  9. Does your stock offer dividends? If so, how much?
  10. Write down any headline news or blogs that may affect the stock price?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Psychology: Test and Follow-Up Questions on March 7

Test: Aging and Adulthood
Go over notes discussed in class. Multiple Choice, matching and short answer.

Follow-up questions
Questions 1-7, 30 points

Friday, February 18, 2011

Death Questions and Obituary

Activity #1

1.  Why is death a frightening issue to think about? What is your attitude toward death?
2.  What are the advantages/disadvantages of living for 200 years?
3.  As you age, what are your needs and fears?
4.  When should people retire? Age 65?
5.  If someone could tell you when you would die, would you want to know? Explain.

Activity #2

Write your own obituary.  Write it as if you had died yesterday (and you should date this as yesterday rather than today or tomorrow), how would you be remembered today. The focus here is not really on your death, but on your life. List your accomplishments, your positive characteristics, your relationships, and so on.


Write an obituary as if you died in your later years (80-100). List your accomplishments, characteristics, relationships and so on.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Economics: Buying A Car, Due Thursday, February 17

Buying a New Car
200 Points
Buying a motor vehicle involves numerous costs beyond the purchase price. Choose a new car or truck and estimate how much it would cost to get it on the road.
Part A
1. Go online to find the cost of a vehicle with all the options you want (pick a vehicle).
2. Go to
3. Select a car by customizing it based on your preferences.
4. Calculate your monthly payments using the following information:
                a)  Interest Rate (APR):  6%, 8%, 9%
                b) Length of Loan:  36 month, 48 months, 60 months
                c) Down Payment:   $1,000, $2,000, $3,000
                d) Trade-in value:   $0
                e) Amount Owed on Trade-in:  $0

Part B
1. Select a car that you would realistically buy today given your resources. Follow the instructions above.
2. If you realistically cannot put a down payment on the car (c), put it at $0. Be realistic here.
3. If you have a trade in car, put in this information.
Part C
1. Research the sales tax in this area for your chosen vehicle (Part B)
2. Research the title fee, registration and license plates (Part B)
3. Go online to Geico, Esurance, or Progressive to get an insurance quote for your vehicle (Part B)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Economics: Test, Tuesday, February 15th.

Terms to Know

Study Guide
Debt and Credit
Installment debt
Durable goods
deciding to use credit
commercial bank
savings and loan
savings bank
credit union
finance company
charge account
credit card
finance charge
annual percentage rate (APR)
credit bureau
credit check
credit rating
how do you build credit without a credit card?
secured loan
unsecured loan

Psychology: Test, February 14th 172 Points

Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence

Study guide
Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence
Terms to Know

Heredity                                                          Fidelity
Environment                                                   James Marcia
Nature versus nurture                                      Identity Foreclosure
Genes                                                              Negative Identity
Chromosomes                                                 Diffusion
Zygote                                                             Achievement
Dizygotic twins
Monozygotic twins
Growth cycles
Critical period
Extended family
Authoritative parenting style
Separation anxiety
Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
Formal operation
Object permanence
Pituitary gland
Adrenal glands
Growth spurt
Early maturer
Late maturer
Eating disorders
Bulimia nervosa
Anorexia nervosa
Rite of passage
Group identity versus alienation
Identity confusion